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    Selasa, 26 Desember 2017

    Abdullah Latopada Chairman Of PWNU Central Sulawesi

    Reporter : Ikhsan Madjido

    PALU,- BEING NU's board is trustworthy. Amanah is not easy, but should not run away from the mandate. The NU board must be ready to carry out the mandate, running it as well as possible. If true, say it right. If wrong, say wrong.

    This was conveyed by the Chairman of PBNU Prof. Dr. KH Said Aqil Siradj, MA at the inauguration of Nahdlatul Ulama Regional Board of Central Sulawesi in the period 2017-2020 at Wisma Haji Transit Palu, Tuesday (26/12). The daily management of PWNU Central Sulawesi for the period 2017-2020 is under the leadership of Rais Syuriyah Prof. Dr. H. Zainal Abidin, M. Ag and Chairman of PWNU Central Sulawesi Drs. H. Abdullah Latopada, M.PdI.

    “To the newly appointed board, I congratulate you. Mr. Zainal Abidin, Abdullah Latopada, and the whole board. Let's take this mandate proudly and responsibly, transparently-open, build a network with all parties and in accordance with their respective proportions and professions,” said Aqil.

    According to the Ats-Tsaqafah Boarding School Kang Said, humans are brave. Actually therein is the glory of man when receiving the mandate to bear kalimatul haq, "yes or no" that is the basic value of mankind both individually and organization

    Therefore, the most embedded mandate on the shoulders of NU and its citizens are all two, religious, moderate and tolerant moderate, aspiring to strengthen ukhuwah Islamiyyah, ukhuwah wathaniyyah, and ukhuwah insaniyyah, also a national mandate. Two things that can not be separated," said Kang Said.**

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