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    Selasa, 26 Desember 2017

    Zulhas : Ready to Help IAIN become UIN Palu

    Source : Antarasulteng.com

    PALU,- THE PEOPLE'S Consultative Assembly (MPR), Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) is ready to help accelerate the transition of the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) status to Palu State Islamic University (UIN) which has been fought for the last few years. MPR Chairman, Zulkifli Hasan stated IAIN Palu through the Rector Prof Dr H Zainal Abidin MAg should immediately enter the letter and proposal to the central government.

    "Immediately enter the letter and proposal, then the copies of them should be given to me," said Chairman of the MPR, Zukifli Hasan while delivering a public lecture at Auditorium of IAIN Palu, Tuesday. Zulkifli claimed to be helpful because it was in contact with the ministry whose ministers came from the National Mandate Party.

    Zulkifli Hasan claimed to have helped and championed eight universities from the State Islamic High School (STAIN) to IAIN. One of the universities namely STAIN Lampung became the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Lampung. Therefore, Zulkifli asked the Rector of IAIN Palu Prof Dr H Zainal Abidin MAg to immediately send a letter and submit a proposal. "That's the duty of being a member of the People's Legislative Assembly, helping the people, the community and the campus, that's the obligation," he said.

    Meanwhile, the Rector of IAIN Palu, Prof. Dr. H Zainal Abidin MAg stated that being UIN is the ideals of the entire academic community of the college. Therefore, he hopes the visit of the Chairman of the MPR along with the entourages could have a positive impact on the development of the college.

    "I personally and IAIN Palu Rector are proud and happy because we were visited by the Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly," said Prof. Zainal Abidin MAg. Zulkifli Hasan's visit to IAIN Palu was accompanied by the Regional Secretary of Central Sulawesi Province Hidayat Lamakarate, Mayor of Palu,  Hidayat and Vice Mayor, Sigit Purnomo Said (Pasha).** 

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