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    Senin, 13 Februari 2017

    Departement Of Health (Diknas) Central Sulawesi, Priority Extra Food

    Press Of AKI and AKB
    Departement Of Health, Priority Extra Food

    Foto : Khurniawati, Kepala Seksi Gizi Dinas Kesehatan Sulawesi Tengah

    Reporter/Editor: Yuni Ridwan/Moh. Ridwan

    THE LOCAL Government through the Department of Health (diknas) Central Sulawesi province will prioritize the fulfillment of the extra food to the mother pregnant (Bumil). This was done, in order to suppress the number of death mother (AKI) and The Death of Baby (AKB).
    Thus, through the center of Public Health (puskesmas) in all regions in Central Sulawesi, as well as of are required to provide health services in pregnant women.

    Head of Nutrition of the health of Central Sulawesi, Kurniawati, said that midwives have an important role to reduce maternal mortality and child.

    "The midwife can provide services that are seamless and plenary session to the patient and the people who need," said Kurniawati, on Monday (13/2).

    "They expect the professional performing their duties according to standards profession," he said. 

    Furthermore, he said, the extra food of biscuits, especially in pregnant women so that when the baby is born not having low body weight. In addition, the fulfillment of food additives as well as health care to pregnant women as an effort to prevent the risk of death during childbirth.

    " Give extra food of biscuits, especially pregnant women to ensure a patient to get treatment in the delivery or the hospital so that it can reduce the risk of death, " he said.

    In addition to providing health services said Kurniawati, it also provide pregnant women with a card of childbirth (Jampersal). This facility next is meant to increase the coverage of prenatal care, delivery assistance, and the puerperium mother gave birth by health personnel.

    He said, the high rate of maternal mortality in general due to lack of care, such as bleeding, and blood pressure rises during pregnancy. He said. 

     Every through the health center and hospital medics gave 90 tablets to pregnant women who are less virgin for 9 month.

    In spite of it, from data released by the Central Sulawesi was recorded, the year 2016, on infant mortality has decreased as much as 511 the baby is not far from the year 2015, the deaths, caused by Weight Born Low (BBLR) to 15 percent and aksefia 20 percent.
    While the year 2015 and then the infant mortality as much as 518 the baby due to the same thing, namely BBRL to 21, 4 percent and 20 percent aksefia.

    While battery in 2016 and then fell dramatically, which is 96 cases, from a year 2015 the figure was at least 122 cases. ***.

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