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    Rabu, 29 Maret 2017

    Local fishermen in difficulty to create permission: Must Come to Palu

    Reporter: Bambang sumantri

    As a result of Permit affairs, fish catching in the local area pulled up to the province, the number of fishermen and entrepreneurs have difficulty on catching fish at far distances. It becomes a problem in the increasing of local revenue at some areas. It was revealed when the Fisheries Department of Morowali complained about it.

    Fisheries Department of Morowali also requested special attention. It was submitted by the department head of Ambo Lewa at the Musrenbang district level, held at the Multipurpose Building Achmad Hadie Matano, District Central Bungku, Monday (27/03/2017).

    Musrenbang theme this time is "Stimulating the development of the infrastructure To Strengthen Regional Economy Towards Morowali Progressive, Welfare and Self." Ambo Lewa demand is very reasonable, considering the target revenue (PAD) in his office in 2017 was quite large, reaching 500 million more. He said the value could be achieved but needed additional funds to organize support facilities.

    As is known, the fisheries sector is one of the mainstays Morowali to rake in revenue. But until now there has not been adequate facilities, such as fish auction place (TPI) which is located in the district of Central Bungku and construction is budgeted through the budget  few years ago, the ingredients have been much unusable. 

    In addition, said Ambo Lewa, the fishing permits which have now been transferred to the province became one of the factors inhibiting the increased revenue, because the fishermen found it difficult to perform maintenance to the provincial capital, that is to Palu. "The fishermen now complain because a little trouble taking care of their fishing permit which must be much more to the city of Palu, but yah! what may created, indeed everything is delegated to the provincial government, '' he explained.

    Added, entrance from the sea to the TPI also remains problematic because of fishing vessels cannot enter into the dock due to the water that is too shallow. "Instead of fishing vessels, fishing boats only when the water receded again cannot enter into the dock of TPI, it requires a very large budget that will be built, easy could be considered" said the former Head of Public Relations. **

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