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    Selasa, 14 Februari 2017

    Al-Azhar High School Palu. Ready to Carry out

     Reporter/Editor: Yuni Ridwan/ Moh. Ridwan

    IN THE Framework of the agenda of the annual education, high school (high school) Al - Azhar University, Palu, expressed readiness to follow exam of the National Based The (UNBK). Schools under the auspices of the foundation Al-azhar, implemented a computerized system to establish a national examination that has been applied in 2016.

    The Curricula high school Al-azhar Palu, Harmani M.Pd, said that in the face of national examinations, it long before have been preparing, that continue to train by applying method my learning to students and students use computers.

    From 1st grade high school we have to prepare for exam of the National Based The computer in order to third grade, students and students are accustomed to. After class 3 male and female students in evaluation with an extra tutoring and extra lessons from the department, " said, Harmani when met Kaili Post on Tuesday (14/02).

    The Harmani, this year participants UNBK following four subjects that have been established, namely Indonesian, English, math, English and subjects of major.

    This year he said, it had to do the verification of the examinees. where participants UNBK in high school Al-azhar as many as 109 students. In the implementation of the UNBK it also provides three classes, which is divided into 20 students get this straight.

    For the preparation we have provided three classes that will be used to UNBK, each class 20 students and was given for 102 minutes per one subject. The execution of the National will take place on 10 April, " said harmani. 

    For the fulfillment of the supply of electricity in the implementation of the UNBK, it has been working with The company is Linstrik the (PLN).
    "Yes, we are working together with the company is listrik to the implementation of the exam,"said Harman. ***

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