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    Minggu, 12 Februari 2017

    Monkey Black at Garden Coffee Central Sulawesi

    Reporter/ Editor: Yuni Ridwan

    If they pass on the trans in exactly the mountains the Coffee the Hammers to District Parigi Moutong (Parmout) these days the path to live in a group of monkeys black. It is precisely in Kilo Meter (KM) 15 at Toboli.

    Not infrequently the road users that pass through there it meet a bunch of monkey the short tail, or latin name his Macaca a bunch of monkeys, roughly amounting to approximately 10 individuals, on Saturday, (11 / 2) the weekend, Kaili I deliberately went to the path of 15, to ascertain whether the wild that often appear on the fence of  trans Sulawesi.

    About time 13:00 Central Indonesian Time, the team Kaili Post arrived on the location, but the monkeys the wild don't look around on the edge of the way the coffee. Because in Kilo 15 there is no signs of a monkey, we decided to go on to find two signs that read, ‘Please take a picture Monkey black as much as possible, but don't feed’. Then in the next says, ‘in forbidden to feed animals’.

    display at the edge of the deliberately set by the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) of Central Sulawesi.

    At that place, we're waiting, hoping the black he had benign out of the woods. However, until approximately 30 minutes the one who we want to it doesn't show up.

    With many considerations, we decided to turning back. However, not far from where we stopped, we also see the crowd alongside the road. Out of curiosity to see the crowd from a distance, we pin to, and it turns out that a gang of monkeys it express itself.

    Well, a number of persons on the road exactly the 15, is often called the Cape rock suddenly stop and to the abyss. It looks like a herd of monkeys had already gathered in the road.

    Suddenly the road users right to capture the moment, the capital, the camera Handphone, people took pictures of the zoo.. It also, a monkey black apart from the flock was so fun sitting in the median, it is certainly hoping to feed anyone in sight.

    And it turns out that, a try near the monkey and directly give corn. It doesn't take any chances, monkey is so fun sitting out and eating it. The appearance of the monkeys endemic in that of many people. In fact, there's a mistake.
    Selfie with a monkey.

    Although BKSDA has been putting up a sign the ban on providing food for animals, but people still feed. According to one of the Parigi across, Moh. Sodik, was the existence of the monkeys is still hiding in the middle of the jungle. After the last few months, a group of monkeys often appear in the way the coffee.

    The presence of the monkeys any typical of Sulawesi is giving the impression for anyone who crossed the road. And he added, the presence of the monkeys that there is a positive up.

    " monkeys seem to be entertaining road users. It was a lot of people stop just want to see these animals. And this is also potentially as tourism, " he said.

    Even so, he added, for people who want to see or take pictures, you should not be too ventured to bring myself to the animal. Therefore, it could be if animals are in no condition allows, even behind the attack.

    " The animal, we can't guess his temper.  When the time (Monkey) can strike anyone. By him if the measure a safe distance, " said sodik.

    He said, the monkeys that usually comes six points around the 15 the Coffee.

    " The monkeys were not settled. There are six points are usually the emergence of the strongest, " he concluded. ***.

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